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Skool of Kink is a workshop event which Townhouse hosts. This particular date 7th Sept 2018 involves the workshop nipple and genital torture and bondage.  I will be hosting one of the classes. This sheet will be a reference to look back to for both students and anyone else with an interest in the subject.


My ramblings blog also contains various other ideas to help you.





This contains information on Nipple & Gentile Torture
based on the workshop interactivity.



This workshop has references from my previous nipple demo and sadomasochism involvement. As always check through Health + Safety. The above menu for recap will take you to the relevant pages for the information.

What you need to understand that the word torture is used here, not fluffy play.

  There may be people that disagree with what I say or do, but I have always practised a safe and sane sense of play. I consider what I do to be as safe and as well thought out to the best of my knowledge. It is worth noting that I do not know everything about everything. I can make mistakes like every other human. By all means, do your own research and use my information as a guide to help you make informed decisions to help with your play and decision making.



My information is written based on the assumption of Cis Male and Cis female whenever I mention the gender I'm referring to. This is to make my text easier to type and for a smoother flow of information.  
I mean no intention of any offence should any be taken.


It is always best to do your own research how-ever I hope you find my experiences useful to your play.




During the workshop, we will discuss what people in the group consider what the term 'torture' means compared to general types of play as well as health and safety concerns both before considering a play scene and after.


The dictionary says...

  1. the act of inflicting excruciating pain, as punishment or revenge, as a means of getting a confession or information, or for sheer cruelty.



Group thoughts



In our case, its pretty much down for cruelty for own amusement or for the pleasure of the receiver which is why this refers to sadomasochism. You need to ensure you have good communication between all parties involved regarding limits and ensure you are aware of any potential health complications to avoid.  


You need to understand that to cause actual pain and suffering to another human takes a particular type of mental conditioning to ignore the moral compass that would try to stop you from engaging in whatever activity it is you are doing. Consent plays a major role and people coin the term NCC meaning none consensual, consensual. This means it may look rough and cruel but everyone involved has permission to do what is happening.

Once the receiver/bottom starts being vocal, particularly regarding scenes of begging, swearing and crying (note this is why a safeword can be a good idea), the giver/top could have compassion confused causing mental discomfort.  It takes a large amount of trust to engage in this level of play again from all parties involved.


With the trust comes great responsibility. Using safewords with torture play doesn't work well, the bottom needs to have absolute faith in the top to go at this hard. If you are only dabbling with limits and trying things out then use whatever method works for you to signal the pain is too much.


If there is no prolonged or extended time of pain or suffering being received then it's not a torture its just a type of play. I will have engaged with the group about this and put their responses in this piece of writing. 

Shopping List



This is the shopping list I asked the people attending the workshop to bring along to have a try with. The reason behind the list is to show that you can use everyday objects and items obtained with a bit of extra footwork you can find interesting yet easy to access and low-cost ideas.




  • A good size piece of ginger root.

  • Plastic Clothes pegs. ( cheap bag from pound land will do, need to be the spring ones ).

  • Ball string or builders brick line if your top is really evil

  • Couple fishing weights from a tackle shop (50-100 gram).

  • A desert/tablespoon and folk.

  • Elastic bands.

  • scissors.


The idea behind this workshop is to help people improve their play with everyday items. It is easy to buy items from kinky adult shops but when money is on everyone's minds we have to get creative. I will take notes on peoples reactions and have people write on post-it notes their thoughts so I can put them into a photo gallery on here. This will give people a wider view of what different people experience with the same random items.

 I wi


Group thoughts

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