Privacy - Kinky Events

One of the most common subjects I find people I meet have is often the issue of privacy.
This particular post will give a crash course on help with keeping your privacy at a optimum level when you are exploring the kink world via events, munches and the online community.
Everyone has the right to privacy, often people do not want their friends, family and co-workers knowing about their kink lifestyle, wishing to keep kink and vanilla home life separate. Munches, (organised local kink gatherings), are the main place people from all walks of life meet up and then there are other events such as those held in clubs or further social times. Regardless of the situation, these are simple steps to help you keep your privacy.
An alias is a name to which people can call and recognise you but without knowing your real identity. Your name might be Bob or Sarah but you like rope so you might call yourself Sir Knotty or Miss Tiedup. You could just go really simple and say your name is Mathew or Jane. Keep this consistent with all gatherings you attend and soon it will become second nature. A good idea is to maybe change your age to a few years as well such as 18 becomes 25 or 40 becomes 45. This kind of thing throws of people trying to use sites such as to locate you.
With your new alias often subjects of conversation you need to know are your location and often asked is your job by nosy people. Keep it simple and vague. Rather than the exact town you live in use the nearest city such as rather than Stockport use North or South Manchester. With your job either make a new line of work for your alias or be vague such as maybe you work for Argos which becomes you work with the general public in sales.
An alias is a name to which people can call and recognise you but without knowing your real identity. Your name might be Bob or Sarah but you like rope so you might call yourself Sir Knotty or Miss Tiedup. You could just go really simple and say your name is Mathew or Jane. Keep this consistent with all gatherings you attend and soon it will become second nature. If anyone ask if you have kids just simply say you have a family or maybe live alone or with partner. Do not get family snaps out on your phone showing of pictures of the kids and your life.
Many gatherings or social occasions in kink are often in licensed premises. Particularly events ran by kinky people whom themselves are scene goers, I would highly recommend ID blanking. Simply cut a small strip of electrical tape and place over your address and name. They don't need this information, only to see how hold you are and the picture. If the club requires membership then use an address you have made for your alias and use blanked ID. If they don't accept this then the choice is yours to stay or go but having your information on a database while your doing your kink I would not recommend.
One of the biggest issues people have in kink social situation is thinking its not polite to say no or deny the answer to a question. You have every right to say no and to protect your privacy. Remember there are plenty of people out there looking for ways to exploit other people any way possible. Until you know a person well with time and multiple social meetings its hard to judge a character and even then you should still be cautious. Simple no or please change the subject will deflect any unwanted questions or answers you don't have to justify your answers. Simply ignore any one who is persistant or alert someone who has organised the social occasion.