Heavy duty vibrators
Massager wands

Very strong vibration.
Easy to clean.
Easy to use.
Price range medium to high.
To get a better deal its better to import.
Must be cautious of models to cheap as often fakes.
Imports usually need a UK power converter.
One of the strongest types of vibrators are massager wands. These devices are designed to be used as a form of massager therapy but recently have found their way into the sex industry as very strong vibrators with variable speed settings. I have been through various brands and types including the popular Hitachi brand which I find expensive for the power they give out. They often tip the £80-100 mark and often only two or three speed settings. Magic wand brand tends to be on the cheaper side around £40 but didn't seem to last longer than six months on both occasions of owning one.
I have also had the rechargable versions of massager wands, I would not recommend these other than if you want to take one to an event for convenience. Any prolonged use at your home and you will find issues. From a womens perspective I have been told the strength the battery gives out starts to dwindle after only around ten minutes of use and gets worse as the battery is drained. They take around two hours to fully charge and don't last more than a couple months with regular use.
The above brand I found "Thunder Stick" which I imported from the states set me back £90 but is by far one of the most powerful and most vary in speed settings, (fully adjustable wheel), that I have come across. The unit itself feels very well built and has a good sense of quality about it. I have a heavy duty power convertor since I have a few American imports therefore the two pin connector isn't a problem to me. If you do get a two pin version you will need a voltage convertor not just a cheap plug adaptor if you want these devices to last longer.

The wands generally come with a sturdy yet flexible neck area and a large dome head which contains the vibrator. Due to them being made for massaging, the heads have rims around them. This acts like a honey stick and allows lubricant to stick to the dome as it vibrate and run around the entire head at a even level.
When being used between the legs of the female anatomy for example or other intimate areas, it is best to use a none lubricated condom over the head. This is for making it easier to keep clean as its time consuming to clean bodily fluids from the grooves. It is also more sanitary for use on multiple different people.
Start of slow and work up speeds, starting full on will cause intense pain on a sensitive areas.
DO NOT submerge this device or get the main body of the unit wet. It is designed to be used with the head facing downwards and the neck is designed to try and stop stray liquid. You run the risk of electric shock and / or damaging the unit of the main body gets wet. If you are on your back and using this device solo, always make sure the body is pointing upwards. Regardless of the position of the head, the same level of vibration is achieved. If you are a gusher with your orgasms try to keep it raised as you do it to avoid spraying the unit.
I highly recommend you use lubricant with this device,, with or without the use of a condom. The reason for this is without any, you will cause friction burns. Oil based such as gun oil brand or semi synthetic lubricant such as liquid silk is a good idea and to keep on top if it rubs out with use as the skin absorbs it.
This vibrator can be used very effectively on both men and women and is great with orgasm denile or forced orgasm milking.