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High Pressure of 'Atmospfear'


I have been increasing my medical play kink over the last couple of months. I had won an auction for an item which only just came today but was certainly worth the wait.

Over the Christmas period and new year, plenty of people would have endured both high and low blood pressure. It's something that controls us all and is important to kept it in check to ensure a better healthy lifestyle.

We all eat and do things which can cause blood pressure increase or decrease, but staying active is often a good way to help lower it.

The most common modern way to record a blood pressure reading is often by that of an automatic inflating cuff which is digital or by means of a manual one. It's good for me to keep on top of peoples blood pressure during intense scenes as it could lead to complications such as getting faint or passing out.

This is not something I do on a regular bases but it is an area of medical play that comes as staple as the stethoscope.

Vintage medical is of great interest to me and I much prefer it to modern date digital. Don't get me wrong, medical science has come leaps and bounds with equipment available and is much more accurate, faster and reliable than the past. However, some items are just nicer to hold. They feel nicer to use and have a much better preference in the kinky world than some digital upgrades.

One such item is the blood pressure cuff and hand pump.

Sporting its original leather case, the Accoson blood pressure infusion cuff system is a British made device. I am unsure about the age but at guess with the style of the cuff and the worn leather bag / I emailed the manufcature whom is still currently producing medical items. I have been imforned this item is from the early 1970s.

The cold hard metal hand pump with the rubber bulb along with the clean, clear dial looks beautiful to hold in the light. This specific one is in near mint condition and has been looked after well, if even used at all. It would seem that it has seen very light use. None of the tube or rubber is showing any signs of cracking and the cuff is unmarked.

They also have a certain look about them. Anyone in their thirties, forties and so forth up the ladder will certainly know of this style of bloody pressure checking. Grandparents may even know older versions post-war era. It's all about setting the mood. Older metal instruments have a more manual look and feel about them and need more human interaction rather than clinical robots.

I like the more human interaction approach. Watching the ticking seconds on a watch as you listen to the pulse whilst slowly deflating the cuff, all add to the suspense of what the result will be. Am I ok? and so forth. It also has the person being examined interact with the user and feel something being used on them with a human connection.

Even the sound of using the pump and the silence that follows as the head counting starts to get the pulse rate adds to the atmosphere. Well, I like to call it atmosfear.

See, I engage in plenty of fear play, scary scenes and acts of violence just as much as sensual and fun styles of play. It would seem though that the easiest way to make someone uncomfortable is to bring out the medical play. No matter the details, simple little things often put shivers down peoples spines when they think of medical.

The medical play scene certainly has a fear tactic about it, an atmosfear so to say of you thinking back to a bad memory we all have. Whether it be the dentist, the hospital, an operation or perhaps an accident we or a close friend or relative endured during our life or witnessed.

Fear is programmed at an early age.

It helps basic instinct to realise that there's a danger to life and for us to make the decision whether to run, fight or if the danger will pass. Once a certain threshold is reached a spontaneous decision of the subconscious mind will take place nearly all of the time.

If you are unable to act upon that snap decision for reasons such as bring restrained or being unable to escape, it releases a more primal side of the human mind which in turn can lead to a couple of options which I have witnessed.

An emotional breakdown.

This is common, crying, begging, a plea of help and to be saved. This is the stage where you have accepted that there is no way out and just hope it will stop. Basically, curling up in a ball and getting eaten alive. I have heard screaming, crying, bribery and empty threats following further crying. The idea is to try and guilt or bargain with the threat into stopping. This stage can prolong for a while as the body is basically using next to no energy other than the pleas and is not trying to escape with much effort if any at all.

Violence and aggression.

The decision to fight grows to a point where the body decides adrenalin will solve the issue. This is particular with men due to testosterone being of greater value.

Women can get violent but the strength is not as high as that of an average males upper body strength unless the individual actively works out or does a day job that involves stamina or some form of repetitive weight movement. This stage is fun, the wearing, the shouting, the threats of death and physical pain are not uncommon.

Trying to break free from restraints and thrashing about violently. This stage has a time limit, however. The primal violence will peak and can reach that stage quicker with further acts of violence upon the subject such as torture, impact and verbal mocking.

The idea is to stress the subconscious enough to deplete the adrenaline, exhaust the body's heart stamina and therefore start to starve the body muscles of oxygen as the system starts to such come down from the short marathonthat it just did to try and kill the threat.

Once this stage happens the subject may go faint, slur words, often pass out if chosen to try and carry on. Recovery is fairly quick if the subject is fit healthy and there are no medical concerns to address. However, the risk of a heart attack could be involved with older people if the stress level is raised too high along with injury to one's self if not restrained properly and allowed to gain momentum such as thrashing wrist restraints.

All of this can start with a simple strap down to the medical chair, examination light in the face, followed by "let's check your blood pressure". Never underestimate simple manual items. They never run out of batteries and it's far more personal to interact with another person rather than a computer.

Vintage anaylogue for fun, digital for convenience.

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